Wednesday, September 18, 2019

District School wrestling competition 2019-20 ( Revised schedule )

District School wrestling competition 2019-20

Age Group - 14,17,19 Boys & Girls

Entry Upload start date 6/9/2019

Entry Upload end date 18/9/2019 Till 16.00 PM

14 Years Boys & Girls Report for weight 20/9/2019 8.00 to 10.00 AM

19 Years Boys Greeko/ free style  & Girls Report for  weight 21/9/2019 8.00 to 10.00 AM

17 Years Boys Greeko/ free style & Girls Report for weight 22/9/2019 8.00 to 10.00 AM

Venue - Sports Authority of India, Kandivali (E)

Players has to play in that weight catagory where he/she submitted entry.

weight catagory will not change.

Contact - Satish Kadam sir - 9773506695


  1. Why have you revised the schedule
    The one before was OK

  2. We are having other matches on 22nd of same students
