Tuesday, September 10, 2019

जिल्हास्तरीय वुशू क्रीडा स्पर्धा 2019

जिल्हास्तरीय वुशू क्रीडा स्पर्धा 2019
स्पर्धा दिनांक-16/09/2019
स्पर्धा स्थळ - ठाकूर कॉलेज,कांदिवली
स्पर्धा उपस्थिती- सकाळी ठीक 8 वाजता
 Age Groups :
Under - 17 boys and girls
Under - 19 boys and girls

Reporting Time : *8.00 am. sharp*

Participants are requested to get complete documents along.
 1)eligibility form*
With principals sign and school stamp on it .

*NOTE : Proper fight  costumes required i.e shorts and jersey* .
*Participants are requested to get their own equipments*
*Head gear*
*Chest guard*
*Gum shield*
*For respective corners*
*(Red & Blue)*
*Players will not be provided with any equipment by the association and DSO Mumbai suburban
*Any player without any equipment will be disqualified*
Contact- Shri Dinesh Mali 9833725115

Shri Jitu sharma-9773615096   

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